
Kerrang contents analysis

'Contents' is written in big writing at the top in the same colour and style as some writing on the cover so it links together.
This writing is carried on as the headings on black backgrounds so they stand out, the rest of the page's background is white.
Main picture is of someone dressed up as superman, looking to the audience. Its bright and eye catching - makes you want to find out why he is dressed up. Has a fun look about him.
Other icons around main picture, some action shots, mainly close up or mid shots. Shadow effect around them looks like they are almost buttons, coming off the page. Most are dark pics so there is emphasis of facial features where the light is, two have colour from behind them.
Quotation underneath 'contents' to make people laugh and want to read more things like that.
small picture of cover next to small paragraph of writing - not eye catching.

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